Spring的bean默认都是单例的,这些单例Bean在多线程程序下如何保证线程安全呢?例如对于Web应用来说,Web容器对于每个用户请求都创建一个单独的Sevlet线程来处理请求,引入Spring框架之后,每个Action都是单例的,那么对于Spring托管的单例Service Bean,如何保证其安全呢?本文介绍了以上的安全问题。
在 spring中的Bean缺省的情况下是单例模式的,在 spring容器中分配Bean的时候(无论通过getBean()还是通过依赖注入(IOC)),它总是返回同一个Bean的实例,如果你想每次向上下文请求一个bean的时候总是得到一个不同的实例,或者想每次想从 spring容器中得到一个bean的不同实例,需要将bean定义为原型模式,定义为原型模式意味着你是定义一个bean的类,而不是一个单一的bean的实例,bean的实例都是按照这个类而创建的。
在spring中<bean>的singleton属性告诉上下文这个bean是原型bean或者是单例bean。bean的缺省值为 true,如果设为false的话,就把这个bean定义成了原型bean。例如:<beanid=”test” class=”demo.Demo” singleton=”false” />
在spring2.x中<bean id=”test”scope=”prototype”/>将这样配置,但是如果想使用spring的原型bean必须通过getBean(”test”)这样的方 式,而不能通过使用IOC方式,因为:getBean将每次都有spring来装配转发,而IOC将只是一次注入的目标bean中,以后不再重新注入。这 样通过getBean方式将得到一个原型bean。如果bean使用的是有限资源,如数据库和网络链接的话不需要使用原型bean,正常不要把 singleton=”false”或者scope=”prototype”除非必要。Spring使用ThreadLocal解决线程安全问题
Spring 单例Bean和Java 单例模式的区别
Thread safety is a computer programming concept applicable in thecontext of multi-threaded programs. A piece of codeis thread-safe if it can be safely invoked by multiple threads at thesame time [1].
Thread safety is a key challenge in multi-threadedprogramming. It was not a concern for most application programmers of littlehome applications, but since the 1990s, as Windows became multithreaded, andwith the expansion of BSD and Linux operating systems, it has become acommonplace issue. In a multi-threaded program, several threads executesimultaneously in a shared address space. Every thread has access to virtuallyall the memory of every other thread. Thus the flow ofcontrol and the sequence of accesses to data often have little relation to whatwould be reasonably expected by looking at the text of the program, violatingthe principle of least astonishment.Thread safety is a property that allows code to run in multi-threadedenvironments by re-establishing some of the correspondences between the actualflow of control and the text of the program, by means of Process synchronization.
It is not easy to determine if a piece of code isthread-safe or not. However, there are several indicators that suggest the needfor careful examination to see if it is unsafe:
- accessing global variables or the heap
- allocating/reallocating/freeing resources that have global scope ( files, sub- processes, pipes, etc.)
- indirect accesses through handles or pointers
- any visible side-effect (e.g., access to volatile variables in the C programming language)
There are a few ways to achieve thread safety:
Writing code insuch a way that it can be partially executed by one task, reentered by another task, and thenresumed from the original task. This requires the saving of state information in variables local toeach task, usually on its stack, instead of in staticor global variables. There are still some rare caseswhere a static variable can be used in a reentrant function, if the access isdone through atomic operations.
Mutualexclusion or Process synchronization
Access to shareddata is serialized using mechanisms that ensure only one thread reads orwrites the shared data at any time. Great care is required if a piece of codeaccesses multiple shared pieces of data—problems include raceconditions, deadlocks, livelocksand starvation.
Variables arelocalized so that each thread has its own private copy. These variables retaintheir values across subroutine and other code boundaries, and are thread-safesince they are local to each thread, even though the code which accesses themmight be reentrant.
Shared data areaccessed by using atomic operations which cannot be interrupted by otherthreads. This usually requires using special machinelanguage instructions, which might be available in a runtimelibrary. Since the operations are atomic, the shared data are always keptin a valid state, no matter what other threads access it. Atomicoperations form the basis of many thread locking mechanisms.
In the following piece of C code, the function is thread-safe, butnot reentrant
int function()
function body
In the above, function
can be called bydifferent threads without any problem. But if the function is used in areentrant interrupt handler and a second interrupt arises inside the function,the second routine will hang forever. As interrupt servicing can disable otherinterrupts, the whole system could suffer.
Concurrent programing
Note that a piece of code can be thread safe, and yet notbeing able to run at the same time that some other piece of code is running. Atrivial example of that is when that other piece of code restarts the computer.The following piece of C code, presents a less obvious situationwhere a thread is using a file that another thread or process might delete.
int function()
char *filename = "/etc/config";
FILE *config;
if (file_exist(filename)){
config = fopen(filename);
In the above, the function is thread-safe, as it can becalled from any number of threads and will not fail. But all the calls shouldbe in a controlled environment. If executed in a multi-process environment, orif the file is stored on a network-shared drive, there is no warranty that itwon't be deleted.
One approach to making data thread-safe that combinesseveral of the above elements is to make changes atomicallyto update the shared data. Thus, most of the code is concurrent, and little time is spentserialized.
unsigned int example( int para )
unsigned int temp;
Exam = para; // (**)
temp = Square_Exam( );
return temp;
此函数若被多个进程调用的话,其结果可能是未知的,因为当(**)语句刚执行完后,另外一个使用本函数的进程可能正好被激活,那么当新激活的进程执行到此函数时,将使Exam赋与另一个不同的para值,所以当控制重新回到“temp = Square_Exam( )”后,计算出的temp很可能不是预想中的结果。此函数应如下改进。
unsigned int example( int para ) {
unsigned int temp;
[申请信号量操作] //(1)
Exam = para;
temp = Square_Exam( );
return temp;
* 动态堆栈变量(各子函数有自己独立的堆栈空间)
* 受保护的全局变量和静态变量
* 任务变量
在 实时系统的设计中,经常会出现多个任务调用同一个函数的情况。如果这个函数不幸被设计成为不可重入的函数的话,那么不同任务调用这个函数时可能修改其他任务调用这个函数的数据,从而导致不可预料的后果。那么什么是可重入函数呢?所谓可重入函数是指一个可以被多个任务调用的过程,任务在调用时不必担心数据是 否会出错。不可重入函数在实时系统设计中被视为不安全函数。满足下列条件的函数多数是 不可重入的:
1) 函数体内使用了静态的数据结构;
2) 函数体内调用了malloc()或者free()函数;
3) 函数体内调用了标准I/O函数。
A. 可重入函数
void strcpy(char *lpszDest, char *lpszSrc)
B. 不可重入函数1
void SwapChar1(char *lpcX, char *lpcY)
C. 不可重入函数2
void SwapChar2(char *lpcX,char *lpcY)
static char cTemp;//静态局部变量
1) 不要使用全局变量。因为别的代码很可能覆盖这些变量值。
2) 在和硬件发生交互的时候,切记执行类似disinterrupt()之类的操作,就是关闭硬件中断。完成交互记得打开中断,在有些系列上,这叫做“进入/退出核心”。
3) 不能调用其它任何不可重入的函数。
4) 谨慎使用堆栈。最好先在使用前先OS_ENTER_KERNAL。
unsigned int sum_int( unsigned int base )
unsigned int index;
static unsigned int sum = 0; // 注意,是static类型
for (index = 1; index <= base;index++)
sum += index;
return sum;
基本上,Spring的thread-safe是其API自身的thread-safe。比如一个常见的场景(from appfuse):
public class UserManagerImpl extends BaseManager implements UserManager {
private UserDao dao;
public class UserDaoHibernate extends BaseDaoHibernate implements UserDao, UserDetailsService {
public class BaseDaoHibernate extends HibernateDaoSupport implements Dao {
一个类如果没有成员变量,那这个类肯定是thread-safe的,所以UserDaoHibernate的thread-safe取决于其父类。而 UserManagerImpl 的安全性又取决于UserDaoHibernate,最后是HibernateTemplate。可以看出,这里的bean都小心翼翼的维护其成员变量, 或者基本没有成员变量,而将thread-safe转嫁给Spring的API。如果开发者按照约定的或者用自动产生的工具(appgen不错)来编写数 据访问层,是没有线程安全性的问题的。Spring本身不提供这方面的保证。
或者bean的定义为Singletons="false",也可以参考前面的一篇文章 Thread safety, singletons and Spring,用lookup-method。<pro spring> charpter 5介绍的更详细:
Lookup Method Injection was added to Spring to overcome the problems encountered when a bean depends on another bean with a different lifecycle—specifically, when a singleton depends on a non-singleton. In this situation, both setter and constructor injection result in the singleton maintaining a single instance of what should be a non-singleton bean. In some cases, you will want to have the singleton bean obtain a new instance of the non-singleton every time it requires the bean in question.
显然,如果A(Singletons) depends B(Propotype),使用这种方式可以避免A对B的访问并发和争用的问题。
<pro spring>这本书也对Singletons=“true/false"的选择做了个小结:
1.Shared objects with no state;
2.Shared object with read-only state;
3.Shared object with shared state;
4.High throughput objects with writable state. (synchronizing is need)
1.Objects with writable stat;
2.Objects with private state.
与Spring的高度灵活不同,EJB的规范将同步作为一个服务(one of primary services),开发者开编写bean时不必考虑(也不能)线程相关的问题。session bean其分为两类,也有同步上的考虑。